Wilmington University Suspension Lawyer
Retain A Skilled Education Attorney (910) 595-1377
Universities and colleges like UNC Wilmington are taking more extreme stances when it comes to students violating a university’s Student Code of Conduct, which can include being arrested for criminal charges. Students accused of violating such conduct can face suspension or even expulsion. If you are facing disciplinary action from the administrators of your university or college, consult James F. Rutherford, an experienced Wilmington university suspension lawyer.
Conduct that can lead to suspension includes:
For a FREE university suspension consultation, call (910) 595-1377.
Preparing Disciplinary Hearings
When a student is accused of violating a university’s Code of Conduct or arrested for a crime, he or she may be required to undergo a disciplinary hearing. During this hearing, you will be allowed to present your side of the story to university officials, including evidence or facts you have prepared, witnesses, etc. After the hearing, university official will need to decide whether disciplinary action is needed, what type of action is suitable, and how the school intends to move forward with your case.
Depending on your university’s procedures, an attorney may not be allowed to speak on your behalf during the hearing. However, your attorney can help you prepare for the hearing, investigate your case further, and guide you through the entire process. When your academic future is on the line, make sure you work with a seasoned legal professional who knows how to protect you.
Dedicated to Protecting Your Future
Any type of disciplinary action, such as suspension, can potentially jeopardize your academic career. You’ve worked hard to get into the college you’ve wanted – don’t let a moment’s mistake ruin your entire future. Talk to an attorney at James F. Rutherford, Attorney at Law, P.A. to learn more about what you can do to prepare for your hearing and protect your academic record.
Call a Wilmington university suspension attorney today to get started.